- Ewine van Dishoeck, Professor of Astronomy, Leiden University.
HIFI co-I, overall coordinator of the WISH key program, as well as of the
low-mass YSO subprogram.
Research interests in astrochemistry of gas
and dust, especially as related to star- and planet formation, and in
basic molecular processes studied by laboratory experiments and
theoretical calculations. Expertise with submillimeter single-dish
and interferometer observations, as well as with mid-infrared data
from ISO, Spitzer and VLT. Modeling expertise includes chemical models
of diffuse and dense clouds (especially PDRs), disks and molecular
excitation/radiative transfer.
email: ewine[et]strw.leidenuniv.nl
Groups members with alphabetical order
- Yuri
Aikawa, Assistant Professor, Kobe University.
HIFI KP affiliate.
Research interests in the formation of star and planetary
system. Currently working on theoretical models of molecular
evolution in prestellar cores and protoplanetary disks. External
collaborator in pre-stellar cores subprogram.
email: aikawa[et]kobe-u.ac.jp
- Rafael Bachiller, Astronomer and Director of the Spanish National
Astronomical Observatory (OAN).
HIFI co-I.
Research interests include
mechanisms of star formation and young planetary nebulae, with
emphasis in bipolar outflows and their associated
chemistry. Experience with mm and submm single-dish and
interferometers, including the design, management, construction,
commissionning and scientific use of large facilities (Yebes, IRAM,
ALMA, HERSCHEL, EVN, SKA, etc). Co-leader of the outflow subprogram.
email: r.bachiller[et]oan.es
- Alain Baudry, professor at University of Bordeaux 1.
HIFI co-I, involved in the HIFI high mass protostellar objects program.
Interests: properties of molecular clouds and star forming
regions; experience with mm observations and
construction/commissioning of radio astronomy instruments. ALMA
Project Office member.
email: Alain.Baudry[et]obs.u-bordeaux1.fr
- Milena Benedettini, Researcher at IFSI-INAF Rome.
HIFI KP associate.
Research in star formation based on the analysis and
interpretation of the observations of star forming regions in the
infrared and submm range using both ground based telescopes and
satellite data. Particularly interested in the earliest stages of
star formation and in the molecular outflows. Member of the Instrument
Control Center of PACS-Herschel and involved in the outflow
email milena[et]ifsi-roma.inaf.it
- Arnold O.
Benz, Professor of Astronomy at Swiss Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich.
HIFI Lead co-I for Switzerland, coordinator for the radiation diagnostics subprogram.
Research interest in physical processes related to star and planet formation,
including ion-molecules and their chemistry, plasma processes and
high-energy radiations. Expertise in stellar radio and X-ray
emissions, single-dish and interferometer observations, mostly at
centimeter wavelengths. Some JCMT and SMA observations. Learning
chemical modeling and radiative transfer.
email: benz[et]astro.phys.ethz.ch
- Edwin A. Bergin, Assistant Professor of Astronomy, University of Michigan.
HIFI co-I, overall coordinator of Orion/SgrB2 key program
and involved in the disk and pre-stellar cores subprograms.
interests include astrochemistry in relation to star and planet
formation extending from the early pre-stellar/planetary phases
towards more evolved states. Expert in theoretical astrochemical
modeling of the above stages, observational mm/sub-mm wave molecular
astronomy, radiation transfer (including water vapor), and space-based
observations of water vapor.
email: ebergin[et]umich.edu
- Geoffrey A. Blake, Professor of Planetary Science & Professor of
Chemistry, California Institute of Technology,
HIFI co-I. Involved in low-mass and disk subprograms.
Research interests include
astrochemistry in relation to star and planet, formation, especially
that in proto-planetary disks and their surrounding envelopes, and in
the evolution of molecular complexity toward pre-biotic species.
Expert in molecular spectroscopy, with both observational and
laboratory programs, and in observational molecular astrophysics at
mm/sub-mm wave and infrared wavelengths.
email: gab[et]gps.caltech.edu
- Per Bjerkeli, WISH PhD student, Onsala Space Observatory, Chalmers University of
Technology, started Jan 2008 with René Liseau (Now Postdoc at Copenhagen University)
Research interests are mainly water in molecular outflows and shocks.
Water and HCO+ observations of various sources have been carried out
using Odin and the Onsala 20 m telescope. Is currently working with
HIFI data reduction and radiative transfer modelling using a ALI code.
email: per.bjerkeli[et]chalmers.se
- Sylvain Bontemps, CNRS researcher at the L3AB/Observatoire de
Bordeaux, member of the high-mass YSO sub-program.
HIFI KP associate.
Interest and expertise in star formation including
outflows, earliest phases of both high- and low- mass star formation,
and embedded clusters. Wide experience in observational work from IR
to radio-cm range (continuum and molecular line) including ISO.
email: bontemps[et]obs.u-bordeaux1.fr
- Jonathan Braine, Astronomer, Observatoire de Bordeaux.
HIFI co-I.
Research interests linked to galaxies, star formation, and the
interstellar medium, with a view to understanding galaxy
evolution. Involved in the high mass protostellar objects part as the
high-mass end is particularly crucial to the luminosity and chemical
evolution of the universe. Long experience with mm and submm
observations, spectroscopy and continuum, using both single dishes and
email: braine[et]obs.u-bordeaux1.fr
- Simon Bruderer, PhD student, ETH Zurich, started May 2006 with Benz in collaboration with Doty and van Dishoeck (Now Postdoc at MPE).
HIFI KP associate.
Working on 2D chemical models of high-mass / low-mass YSOs
under the influence of high energy radiation. Some experience with
single-dish observations using KOSMA. Will be involved in the
radiation diagnostics subprogram (preparatory observations and
email: simonbr[et]astro.phys.ethz.ch
- Paola Caselli, Researcher at the INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di
Arcetri and Center for Astrophysics, USA.
HIFI co-I. Coordinator of
the prestellar core subprogram, as well as collaborator of the HIFI GT
HS3F KP in the prestellar core and hot core subprograms.
Research interest on astrochemistry of molecular clouds
and star forming regions (from pre-stellar cores to protoplanetary
disks), and on molecular spectroscopy. Expertise with mm- and
submm-observations. Modeling expertise includes chemical models of
gas phase and surface chemistry, in particular of dense clouds and
star forming regions, and models of the dust/gas interactions in
email: caselli[et]arcetri.astro.it
- Jose Cernicharo, Professor at CSIC, Madrid.
Herschel Mission Scientist and involved in the PACS spectral scans in the WISH KP.
Research interests in astrochemistry in general, including ISM and
late-type stars and galaxies. Large expertise in mid-infrared
observations using ISO, especially of water, and in submillimeter
spectroscopy, including pioneering observations of the 183 GHz water
email: cerni[et]damir.iem.csic.es
- Claudio Codella, Research Astronomer, INAF-Istituto di Radioastronomia, Firenze.
HIFI co-I.
Research interests in star
formation, in particular in low- and high-mass embedded protostars,
their associated accretion and ejection properties and large scale
outflows. Expertise with mm- and sub-mm ground based single-dish and
interferometer observations and analysis of molecular gas in the
interstellar medium. Involved in outflow subprogram.
email: codella[et]arcetri.astro.it
- Fabien Daniel, PhD student, LERMA/DAMIR, started Oct. 2003 with M.-L. Dubernet and J. Cernicharo (Now Postdoc at Centro de Astrobiología, Madrid).
HIFI KP associate.
interests in molecular collision dynamics and in high and low mass
star formation through radiative transfer modeling of molecular line
emission. Contributing collional cross sections and involved in
analysis of PACS spectral scans.
email: Fabien.daniel[et]obspm.fr
- Odysseas Dionatos, Marie Curie PhD student under the JETSET Network,
INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma (Now Postdoc at University of Copenhagen).
HIFI KP associate. Started November 2005 with Brunella Nisini.
Works on complementary JCMT/APEX
and Spitzer observations and H2O radiative transfer models for
outflows. Will be involved in planning observations in the outflow
subprogram and in initial HIFI and PACS data reduction and
analysis. Involved in the outflow subprogram.
email: dionatos[et]mporzio.astro.it
- Carsten Dominik, Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam,
HIFI co-I, coordinator of the Intermediate-mass subprogram of the HS3F KP.
Research interests include star and planet formation, with emphasis of
dust aggregation in disks and its relation to the presence of
molecules in disks. Expert in theoretical modeling for protoplanetary
disks, ice formation in AGB star winds, and detailed dust aggregation
calculations. Involved in the disk subprogram.
email: dominik[et]science.uva.nl
- Steven Doty, Associate Professor, Denison University.
HIFI KP affiliate.
Expertise in constructing detailed physical-chemical models
of star-forming cores, and comparison with IR and submm observations.
Expert in self-consistent radiative transfer both through dust and
molecular lines - especially water, thermal balance, and chemical
modeling, including dynamics. Currently working on water radiative
transfer models for low- and high-mass YSOs.
email: doty[et]denison.edu
- Pierre Encrenaz, Professor, University Pierre and Marie Curie and Paris Observatory.
Herschel Mission Scientist.
Interests include observations of the ISM with molecules (isomers, isotopic
substitutes), observations of spectral features on the CMB using Odin.
Extensive expertise in heterodyne receivers with Schottky and SIS
technologies. Involved in PACS spectral surveys.
email: pierre.encrenaz[et]obspm.fr
- Michael Fich, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo.
HIFI co-I, member of the intermediate mass YSO program.
Research interests include: (1) physical parameters that
determine the star formation process - triggers that begin the
process, parameters that determine the rate of star formation,
characteristics that set the stellar mass; (2) formation of disks,
planets, and bipolar outflows; (3) the structure of the interstellar
medium in galaxies. Expert in observational far-infrared/submm/radio
astronomy and instrumentation at these wavelengths, radiation transfer
in molecular lines, and galactic structure.
e-mail: fich[et]astro.uwaterloo.ca
- Wilfred Frieswijk, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute and
SRON, started Jan. 2004 with Shipman, Spaans and Tielens.
HIFI KP associate.
Currently working on the identification of massive dark
clouds in the outer Galaxy and the physical characterization of
massive protostellar cores. Observational experience with single-dish
(sub-)millimeter observations. Involved in high-mass subprogram.
email: frieswyk[et]astro.rug.nl
- Asuncion Fuente, Astronomer, Observatorio Astronomico Nacional,
HIFI co-I.
Primary research areas are molecular clouds, astrochemistry and
star formation. Extensive experience with mm and submm telescopes and
with ISO. Involved in intermediate mass subprogram.
e-mail: a.fuente[et]oan.es
- Teresa Giannini, Astronomer, Observatorio Astronomico, INAF, Rome.
HIFI KP associate.
Research activity focussed on protostellar jets and
their interaction with the interstellar medium. Expertise in modeling
emission lines from outflows. Large observational experience in near-
and far-infrared (ISO) spectroscopy. Involved in outflow subprogram.
e-mail: giannini[et]mporzio.astro.it
- Javier R. Goicoechea, Marie Curie postdoc at the Observatory of
Paris, former PhD student at Madrid with Cernicharo (Now Postdoc at Centro de Astrobiología, Madrid).
HIFI associate.
Main research activities are molecular astrophysics in the
far-IR, radiative transfer and chemistry in PDRs. Most of his studies
are based on ISO observations, including water. Involved in analysis
of PACS spectral surveys.
e-mail: javier[et]lra.ens.fr
- Anna Maria di Giorgio, Researcher at the INAF-IFSI, Rome.
HIFI co-I. Responsible for the HIFI Instrument On Board Software.
Research interest in star formation. Expertise with far-IR spectroscopic data
from ISO and in SED modeling, and, in the future, chemical modeling.
Involved in the outflow subprogram.
email: Anna.DiGiorgio[et]ifsi-roma.inaf.it
- Thijs de Graauw, Senior Researcher SRON and Professor of Astronomy at Leiden Observatory.
Research interests in molecular clouds
in our own and external galaxies, and in solar system
objects. Extensive experience in building submm and mid-infrared
instrumentation for space and ground-based telescopes, including
ISO-SWS, JCMT, APEX and ALMA. Involved in the calibration aspects.
email: thijsdg[et]sron.rug.nl
- Frank Helmich, Division Head at the Low Energy Astrophysics Division of SRON.
HIFI co-I.
Besides expertise in submm observations (mainly at
JCMT) and modelling of dense molecular cores he was also responsible
for the calibration of the HIFI instrument. Co-I with the WISH and
HS3F programs. Involved in high-mass subprogram.
email: F.P.Helmich[et]sron.rug.nl
- Fabrice Herpin, astronomer, L3AB-Observatoire de Bordeaux, France,
HIFI co-I, coordinator for the high-mass YSOs IR dark subprogram.
Member of the HIFI calibration-ICC group.
Research interests in
high-mass star formation, star evolution (AGB stars to Planetary
Nebulae) and galaxies. Expertise with mm and submm single dish and
interferometer observations (with various instruments all over the
world), as well as with mid-IR data from ISO. Modeling expertise with
excitation/radiative transfer. Expertise with masers (SiO, water and
email: Fabrice.Herpin[et]obs.u-bordeaux1.fr
- Michiel Hogerheijde, Associate Professor, Leiden University.
HIFI co-I, coordinator of the disks subprogram.
Research interests in
low-mass star- and planet formation, and the structure, composition
and evolution of protoplanetary disks in particular. Expertise with
submillimeter single-dish and interferometer observing, and modeling
of molecular excitation, radiative transfer and spectral line
email: michiel[et]strw.leidenuniv.nl
- Thierry Jacq, Astronomer, L3AB, Observatoire de Bordeaux
HIFI Co-I. Collaborator of the high-mass YSO subprogram.
Has expertise in
mm single dish and interferometer observations. Interests: HDO and
H218O observations in hot cores; involved in complex molecules
investigations in ISM. Director of L3AB.
email: jacq[et]obs.u-bordeaux1.fr
- Doug Johnstone, Senior Research Officer, National Research Council
Canada, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics and Associate Professor of
Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria.
HIFI co-I, leader of the intermediate mass YSO subprogram.
Research interest lies in how
and where stars form inside molecular clouds and the process through
which the collapse leads to disks and planets. Specific interest lies
in constraining the theoretical models for star formation through the
use of carefully selected observations. Expert in theoretical
determinations of disk destruction, observational sub-mm continuum
astronomy, and large-area mapping of star-forming regions.
email: douglas.johnstone[et]nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
- Jes Jorgensen, Post Doctoral Fellow, Argelander Institut fur Astronomie, Bonn (Now Associate Professor at University of Copenhagen).
HIFI KP affiliate.
Main research
interests: the physics and chemistry of the deeply embedded stages of
low-mass star formation. Expertise in the single-dish and
interferometric, submm and mid-infrared observations and radiative
transfer modeling. Has recently been heavily involved in the large
mapping projects of the c2d (and Gould's Belt) Spitzer Space Telescope
legacy teams and high angular resolution submillimeter surveys using
the Submillimeter Array. Will move to Bonn University in mid-2007 to
take up a staff position in connection with the ALMA Regional Center
node there. Involved in the low-mass YSO subprogram.
email: jes[et]astro.umi-bonn.de
- Michael J. Kaufman, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy, San
Jose State University and Associate Researcher, Space Science and
Astrobiology Division, NASA Ames Research Center.
HIFI KP affiliate.
Research involves modeling the chemistry, thermal structure and
dynamics of interstellar gas, particularly in star forming
regions. Extensive experience in modeling far-infrared/sub-mm line
emission from water in MHD shock waves in the outflows from young
stars, as well as the structure of, and emission from, FUV-illuminated
molecular clouds in galaxies. Involved in the outflow subprogram.
email: mkaufman[et]email.sjsu.edu
- Eric Keto, Astrophysicist, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
HIFI KP affiliate.
Research interests in both high
and low mass star formation especially observations and radiative
transfer modeling of radio frequency spectral lines, and in the
hydrodynamics of molecular clouds and cores. Expertise in
submillimeter observations with both single-dish telescopes and
email: keto[et]cfa.harvard.edu
- Tim van Kempen, Post-doc, Harvard-Smitsonian Center for Astrophysics (Moved to Leiden Observatory as ALMA Allegro Fellow)
HIFI KP associate.
Currently working on complementary JCMT/APEX observations and H2O radiative
transfer models for low-mass YSOs. Involved in planning of low-mass
subprogram and in initial HIFI data reduction and analysis.
email: tvankempen[et]cfa.harvard.edu
- Lars E. Kristensen, WISH postdoc at Leiden Observatory (Moved to Harvard-CfA, now Asst Prof at Copenhagen University)
HIFI KP associate.
Main research interests include the role of astrochemistry in low-mass star
formation and in outflows. Currently leading the effort in gathering complimentary
data for different sub-programs, and will later be involved in all aspects of
HIFI data reduction.
email: lars.kristensen[et]nbi.ku.dk
- Bengt Larsson, Research Astronomer, Stockholm Observatory.
HIFI ICC, KP associate, member of the outflow sub-program.
Research interests:
low-mass star formation. Expertise: mm and sub-mm ground based
observations, sub-millimeter (ODIN) mid- and far-IR (ISO) observations
from space.
email: bem[et]astro.su.se
- Dariusz C. Lis, Senior Research Associate in Physics, California Institute of Technology. (Now at Paris Observatory)
HIFI co-I.
Research interests include star
formation, astrochemistry and deuterium fractionation in cold
interstellar medium, photon dominated regions, Galactic center
interstellar medium, volatile composition of comets. Expert in
continuum radiative transfer modeling and observational
submillimeter-wave astronomy.
e-mail: dcl[et]submm.caltech.edu
- Rene Liseau, Professor of Astronomical Space Research, Stockholm University.
Swedish HIFI Lead co-I, coordinator of outflow
subprogram. Coordinator of the Odin Star Formation programs.
interests are mainly in the cold interstellar clouds which lead to new
generations of stars and planetary systems. Broad observational
experience, mainly as a spectroscopist, over the entire
electromagnetic spectrum, but with preponderance to the
FIR-to-millimeter regime. Development of both analytical and
numerical methods to interpret data.
email: rene[et]astro.su.se
- Mathieu Marseille, PhD student, Observatoire de Bordeaux, with Herpin and Bontemps.
HIFI KP associate.
Involved in observations and radiative transfer modeling of high-mass YSOs.
e-mail: Mathieu.Marseille[et]obs.u-bordeaux1.fr
- Gary Melnick, Senior Astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
HIFI co-I.
Research interests include properties of
molecular clouds and star-forming regions with a particular emphasis
on their composition and thermal balance. Recent activities include
leadership of the Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS)
project, one goal of which was the study of water in interstellar
clouds. Prior experience includes airborne and ground-based infrared
and submillimeter observations. Involved in outflow subprogram.
email: melnick[et]cfa.harvard.edu
- Joseph Mottram, WISH/WILL Post-Doc at Leiden Observatory (Moved to MPIA)
HIFI KP associate, member of low-mass sub-team.
Research interests in star formation across the mass range and the interaction between star formation and molecular clouds from Galactic to protostellar scales. Expertise with single-dish observations from mid-IR to mm wavelengths, particularly for large surveys. Expertise also includes spectral energy distribution fitting and line radiative transfer modeling.
email: mottram[et]strw.leidenuniv.nl
- David A. Neufeld, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University.
HIFI co-I.
Research interests center on molecular
astrophysics and interstellar chemistry. Expert on molecular
excitation, radiative transfer, and interstellar shock waves.
Experience in radio, submillimeter, and infrared observations with
Arecibo, SWAS, Spitzer, and ISO. Involved in outflow subprogram.
email: neufeld[et]pha.jhu.edu
- Brunella Nisini, Research Astronomer, INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma.
HIFI co-I, co-leader of the outflow sub-program.
Research interests in star formation: in particular in low-mass embedded
protostars, their associated accretion and ejection properties and
large scale outflows. Expertise with IR and sub-millimeter ground
based observations and with mid- and far-IR data from ISO. Former Co-I
in the ISO-LWS consortium. Also expertise in atomic and molecular
excitation and in diagnostic techniques based on spectroscopic
data. Also involved in planning and analysis of PACS observations.
email: nisini[et]mporzio.astro.it
- Michael Olberg, Research Engineer, Onsala Space Observatory,
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
HIFI co-I, member of the outflow sub-program.
Research interests in star formation: physical
and chemical conditions in low-mas star forming regions, molecular
outflows and associated shock physics and chemistry. Expertise with mm
and sub-mm ground based and space-born (Odin)
observations. Responsible for level 0 to level 1 data calibration for
the Odin satellite mission, both astronomy and aeronomy.
Involved in outflow subprogram.
e-mail: michael.olberg[et]chalmers.se
- Laurent Pagani, Researcher at CNRS and Observatoire de Paris.
HIFI KP affiliate.
Research interest in dark clouds, low-mass prestellar
cores and low-mass YSOs, gas, dust and astrochemistry. Expertise in
single-dish observations, in data reduction of satellite observations
(Odin, ISOCAM), in molecular radiative transfer. Some technical
expertise of mm heterodyne receivers. Involved in prestellar cores
email: laurent.pagani[et]obspm.fr
- Olja Panic, PhD student, Leiden University, with Hogerheijde (From Nov.2009 ESO ALMA Fellow in Garching).
Involved in planning and analysis - H2O in discs subprogramme.
Research interests in protoplanetary disc structure and
evolution, with a focus on submillimetre interferometric observations,
molecular excitation and radiative transfer, and disc modelling.
Experience with SMA, CARMA, JCMT, APEX and VLT.
email: panic[et]strw.leidenuniv.nl
- Berengere Parise, Humboldt research fellow, Max Planck Institut fur Radioastronomie, Bonn.
HIFI KP affiliate.
Research interests include
low-mass star formation and astrochemistry, in particular deuterium
chemistry and the interaction between gas and dust in the formation of
molecular complexity. Expertise in mm/submm single-dish observations
(IRAM, JCMT, APEX). Contribution to WISH through observation/modelling
of HDO emission from the single-dish ground-based telescopes.
email: bparise[et]mpifr-bonn.mpg.de
- John C. Pearson, Member of technical staff, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, NASA HIFI Instrument Manager,
HIFI co-I.
Research interest include molecular physics,
calculation of molecular transition frequencies and intensities and
molecular collisional energy transfer as applied to molecular clouds
and star forming regions. Expertise is in molecular spectroscopy
including line identification, molecular Hamiltonian modeling,
calculation of line frequencies and intensities and in the HIFI
heterodyne instrumentation. Involved in disk subprogram.
email: John.C.Pearson[et]jpl.nasa.gov
- Rene Plume, Associate Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Calgary.
HIFI co-I, member of the intermediate mass YSO subprogram.
Research interests include the physics and chemistry of
the interstellar medium, particularly as they relate to the formation
of molecular clouds, stars, and planets. Recent interests include
numerical modeling of astrochemistry. Expert in millimeter and
submillimeter observations and analysis of molecular gas in the
interstellar medium.
e-mail: plume[et]phas.ucalgary.ca
- Dieter Poelman, PhD student, University of Groningen, with Spaans and van der Tak.
KP affiliate.
Expertise in water radiative transfer
modeling using multi-D escape probability method. Will be involved in
modeling of high-mass YSO subprogram.
e-mail: dieter[et]astro.rug.nl
- Demerese Salter, PhD student, Leiden University, with Hogerheijde (Now postdoc at University of Maryland).
Research interests include interferometric observations
of planet-forming disks and the evolution of the dust grains in these
disks. Involved in preparing and analysing the disks subprogram.
e-mail: demerese[et]strw.leidenuniv.nl
- J. Santiago-Garcia, PhD student Observatorio Astronomico, Madrid, with Bachiller and Tafalla.
HIFI KP associate.
Interests in star formation, in particular outflows and pre-stellar cores.
e-mail: j.santiago[et]oan.es
- Paolo Saraceno, Senior researcher, INAF-IFSI, Rome.
HIFI co-I.
Interests in various aspects of star formation. Extensive experience
with far-IR and submm observations from ground and space, especially
ISO-LWS (including water). Involved in the outflow subprogram.
email: saraceno[et]ifsi-roma.inaf.it
- Markus Schmalz, PostDoc, Leiden Observatory
Science Support Scientist for ALMA Early Science
Research interests in early stages of low-mass star-formation. Earlier research was done in the framework of the EPoS Herschel Key Programme at MPIA Heidelberg to model the density and temperature distribution of pre- and protostellar cores.
email: schmalzl[et]strw.leidenuniv.nl
- Russell Shipman, Scientist, SRON.
HIFI co-I.
Research interests in high-mass star-formation, especially mid-infrared dark
clouds. Extensive experience with IR and submm observations, including
ISO-SWS. Involved in the high-mass subprogram, in particular pre-stellar cores.
email: russ[et]sron.rug.nl
- Pascal Stauber, former PhD student, ETH Zurich, with Benz and van Dishoeck.
HIFI KP affiliate.
Modeling chemical networks under the
influence of inner FUV and X-ray radiations in high-mass and low-mass
YSOs and envelopes. Expertise in single-dish submillimeter
observations using JCMT and KOSMA. Was involved in planning of hydride
subprogram and preparatory observations. Has moved out of the field
but is still available as consultant.
email: pascalst[et]astro.phys.ethz.ch
- Mario Tafalla, staff astronomer, Observatorio Astronomico Nacional, Madrid.
HIFI KP associate.
Research interests in star formation,
especially pre-stellar condensations and bipolar
outflows. Observational expertise with single dishes and
interferometers at millimeter wavelengths (continuum and
spectroscopy). Modelling expertise in molecular radiative transfer.
Involved in prestellar cores and outflow subprograms.
email: m.tafalla[et]oan.es
- Floris van der Tak, submm scientist, SRON Groningen.
HIFI co-I and coordinator of the subprogram on high-mass YSOs.
Expert in the formation of high-mass stars and in radiative transfer in molecular
lines. Extensive experience in modeling emission lines from high-mass
protostellar envelopes and low-mass pre-stellar cores. Observational
experience with single-dish telescopes, mm- and cm-wave
interferometry, and mid-infrared spectroscopy. Some experience with
laboratory spectroscopy. Leads the Dutch part of the JCMT spectral survey.
email: vdtak[et]sron.rug.nl
- Ruud Visser, PhD student (Moved to Michigan University, now at ESO)
HIFI KP associate.
Main research interest is astrochemical models of low-mass YSOs.
Involved in low-mass subprogram, using models to analyse the water data.
Also somewhat involved with analysis of complementary data.
email: ruvisser[et]strw.leidenuniv.nl
- Serena Viti, Professor at University College London/Associate Researcher at INAF, Rome.
HIFI co-I.
Research interests lie within the
field of astrochemistry, star formation and extragalactic studies,
both by observations and modelling, with emphasis on the use of
chemical and dynamical models to study the clumpy nature of the ISM
and star forming regions. Other interests include spectroscopic
studies of very low mass stars, such as M and brown dwarfs.
email: sv[et]star.ucl.ac.uk
- Malcolm Walmsley, "Astronomo Ordinario" (equivalent to Full Professor), Arcetri Observatory.
HIFI co-I and collaborator in the
high mass and prestellar cores subprograms.
Research Interests,
properties of molecular clouds and star forming regions, expertise
with mm observing and modelling of interstellar clouds.
email: walmsley[et]arcetri.astro.it
- Friedrich Wyrowski, Astronomer in the Submillimeter Astronomy group, MPIfR.
Main research interests are massive star formation
and the interaction of young massive stars with their environment as
well as the physical conditions in molecular envelopes around late
type stars. Strong expertise in high angular resolution studies using
centimeter to millimeter interferometers. Experience in submillimeter
astronomy through the commissioning and early science with the APEX
telescope. Leads the mapping part of the high-mass subprogram.
email: wyrowski[et]mpifr-bonn.mpg.de
- Umut A. Yildiz, WISH PhD student, Leiden Observatory, started Dec 2008
with Ewine van Dishoeck (Now at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory).
HIFI KP associate.
Working on HIFI CO observations of low-mass YSOs.
Also experience with single-dish complementary observations using JCMT/APEX/IRAM30m. Involved in
low-mass subprogram and in HIFI data reduction and analysis.
Responsible for the WISH Live Data Show and webmaster of the key program (this website).
email: Umut.Yildiz[et]jpl.nasa.gov