Press Releases |
Why our water is billions of years old |
Large water reservoirs at the dawn of stellar birth |
Where does Earth's water come from? |
A just born star shooting water bullets! |
Water in Star-forming Regions |
Why our water is billions of years old
- Astronomie.nl: Long-awaited review reveals journey of water from interstellar clouds to habitable worlds (09/04/2021)
- Astronomie.nl: Langverwacht overzichtsartikel onthult reis van water van interstellaire wolken tot leefbare werelden (09/04/2021)
- SRON: Long-awaited Herschel overview paper reveals journey of water from interstellar clouds to habitable worlds (09/04/2021)
- UniverseToday: How Does Water go From Interstellar Clouds to Habitable Worlds? (18/04/2021)
- MPG: Why our water is billions of years old
- ESA Science: An international team of astronomers has written an overview of everything we know about water in interstellar clouds thanks to the
@ESAHerschel space observatory!
- ESA Webb Telescope: A new #Herschel paper is out, summarising existing knowledge and providing new information about the origin of water on new, potentially habitable, worlds!
- SINICA: Dutch journal publishes a complete guide to Water Journey (Chinese)
- Phys.org: Long-awaited review reveals journey of water from interstellar clouds to habitable worlds
- Chalmers.se: From interstellar clouds to habitable planets
- MPG: Warum unser Trinkwasser mehrere Milliarden Jahre alt ist
- Herschel-Caltech: Long-awaited review reveals journey of water from interstellar clouds to habitable worlds
- Astrobiology.org: Long-awaited Review Reveals Journey Of Water From Interstellar Clouds To Habitable Worlds
- DijitalX: Suyun Yildizlararasi Bulutlardan Yasanabilir Dunyalara Yolculugu
- UMK.pl: Journey of water in space
- UMK.pl: Kosmiczna podroz wody (Polish)
Large water reservoirs at the dawn of stellar birth
- Original Paper: First detection of water vapor in a pre-stellar core
- ESA Press: Large water reservoirs at the dawn of stellar birth discovered! (09/10/2012) and
- Leeds University Press Release: Large water reservoirs at the dawn of stellar birth (09/10/2012)
- Space Industry News: 2000 Times the Earths Oceans Amount of Water Found at the Dawn of a Solar Birth (09/10/2012)
- Science Daily: Large Water Reservoirs at the Dawn of Stellar Birth (09/10/2012)
- Astrobiology Magazine: Clouds of Water Present at Star's Birth (09/10/2012)
- INAF Media: Una stella che nasce tra nubi d'acqua (09/10/2012)
- SRON Press Release: Large water reservoirs at the dawn of stellar birth (10/10/2012)
- SRON Persbericht: Groot waterreservoir ontdekt in de wieg van een ster (10/10/2012)
- Science Guide: Waterdamp in sterrenwieg (10/10/2012)
- Astronomi Diyari: Yeni Yildizin Cevresinde Devasa Su Kutlesi Bulundu (10/10/2012)
- Espacio Profundo: Detectan vapor de agua en una nube molecular antes de la formación de una estrella (09/10/2012)
- ESA: Herschel descubre grandes cantidades de agua en el amanecer de una nueva estrella (09/10/2012)
- Greek Blog: Discovered huge amounts of water stellar cloud of dust and gas (10/10/2012)
- Avaruus: Valtava maara vesihoyrya loytyi tahden syntypilvesta (10/10/2012)
- Zeenews India: Water vapour detected in cosmic cloud (10/10/2012)
- Compulenta: In protostellar cloud detected large reservoir (10/10/2012)
- Meteolapa.lv: Vieta, kur dzimt udens planetam (10/10/2012)
Where does Earth's water come from?
- Original Paper: Detection of the Water Reservoir in a Forming Planetary System
- ESA Press Release: Herschel discovers tip of cosmic iceberg around nearby young star (20/10/2011)
- NASA Press Release: Herschel Finds Oceans of Water in Disk of Nearby Star (20/10/2011)
- Leiden University Press Release: Herschel space telescope detects abundant water around young star (24/10/2011)
- Leiden University Persbericht: Herschel-ruimtetelescoop vindt overvloed aan water rond jonge ster (24/10/2011)
- NHSC Press Release: Signs of Cool Water Vapor Around Star (20/10/2011)
- Universe Today: Herschel Detects Oceans of Water Around Distant Star (20/10/2011)
- Washington Post: Researchers shed light on source of Earth's water (20/10/2011)
- SRON Press Release: HIFI discovers abundance of water round young star (20/10/2011)
- Astronomy Now: Herschel and Spitzer find water in alien solar systems (21/10/2011)
- Space.com: Comet-Seeded Alien Oceans Could Be Common (20/10/2011)
- Intl' Business Times: Oceans of Water Found in Planet-Forming Disk Around Nearby Star (22/10/2011)
- Australian Popular Science: Enough Water Vapour for A Thousand Earths Found in Still-Forming Solar System (21/10/2011)
- NOVA: Herschel vindt overvloed aan water rond jonge ster (20/10/2011)
- Wetenschap 24: Jonge ster heeft natte 'luier' (21/10/2011)
- Der Spiegel: Grosse Wassermengen umgeben jungen Stern (20/10/2011)
- Deutsche Welle: Astronomers detect huge water reservoir in space (25/10/2011)
- Raumfehrer: Herschel entdeckt Wasserdampf bei TW Hydrae (22/10/2011)
- Astronomi Diyari: Bir Yildizin Cevresinde Su Oldugunu Belirlendi (22/10/2011)
- Dunya Bulteni: Bir yildizda dunyalar dolusu su bulundu (22/10/2011)
- Taringa: Descubren oceanos de agua en el disco de estrella cercana (22/10/2011)
- Blog: Agua a la Vista (22/10/2011)
- INAF Media: L'iceberg che circonda una giovane stella (21/10/2011)
- News Spazio: Migliaia di oceani intorno ad una stella? Certamente si, by Herschel! (22/10/2011)
- DiariOpinion: Ciencia: Encuentran oceanos de agua en un disco de formacion planetaria (22/10/2011)
- Ansa: 'Embrioni' di oceani accompagnano la nascita dei pianeti (22/10/2011)
- Planet Techno Science: Dans les disques protoplanétaires, l'eau est sous forme de glace (22/10/2011)
- Donetzk.ua: Comets are sources of water for extraterrestrial oceans - astronomers (21/10/2011)
- ing: Astronomer finder tegn pa kampe vandreservoir i stjernebillede (25/10/2011)
- Ultimo Segundo: Universo tem reservatorios de gelo (20/10/2011)
- Portal CWB: Telescópio da ESA revela reservatório de água em torno de estrela (21/10/2011)
- physicsgg: Vast quantities of water in space (20/10/2011)
- Ceska astronomicka spolecnost: Velke zasoby vody v okoli mlade hvezdy (25/10/2011)
- 21stoleti.cz: Protoplanetarni disk obsahuje led (24/10/2011)
- topky.sk: Vzrusujuci objav: Vedci zistili, odkial sa vzala na Zemi voda! (24/10/2011)
- 15min: Mokslininkai aptiko didelius vandens kiekius aplink Hidros zvaigzde TW (20/10/2011)
- Goo.jp: Herschel found a lot of water in the planet-forming disk around a nearby star. (20/10/2011)
- Faktailmiah: Herschel Mendeteksi Uap Air Seukuran Ribuan Lautan dalam Cakram Pembentuk Planet (20/10/2011)
- El Quelonio: Herschel descubre ocanos de agua en el disco de una estrella cercana (21/10/2011)
A just born star shooting water bullets!
- National Geographic: Star found shooting "Water" Bullets (13/06/2011)
- Aftonbladet: Stjarnan som skjuter vatten (19/06/2011)
- El Mundo: La revolucion astroquimica aterriza en Toledo (08/06/2011)
- El Pais: Quimica precursora de la vida alla donde se forman las estrellas (03/06/2011)
- ABC: Los ingredientes de la vida flotan en el universo (03/06/2011)
- Muy interesante: Estrellas que disparan balas de agua (02/06/2011)
- Agencia SINC: Algunas estrellas disparan balas de agua (01/06/2011)
- Persbericht, Sterrewacht Leiden: Jonge ster vuurt extreem snelle watermoleculen af (31/05/2011)
- SRON: Young star shooting water bullets (31/05/2011)
- SRON: Jonge ster vuurt extreem snelle watermoleculen af (31/05/2011)
- Astronomi Diyari: Su Puskurten Yildiz (31/05/2011)
Water in Star-forming Regions
- ABC: Mas de 400 investigadores disertan sobre el Universo molecular (30/05/2011)
- nu.nl: HIFI (09/05/2010)
- nu.nl: HIFI op het spoor van nieuw water in de kosmos (09/05/2010)
- ESA Press Release: Water lines toward low-mass protostars in the NGC 1333 star-forming region (06/05/2010)
- ESA Press Release: Herschel's HIFI follows the trail of cosmic water (06/05/2010)
- Astronomie.nl: PACS-instrument op Herschel levert eerste 'water-kaarten'
- Interstellar H20: Discovering the Origins of Water in the Universe
Popular Talks on Water in Space
- Ruud Visser: Talk for Nederlandse Vereniging voor Ruimtevaart (NVR)
- Ewine van Dishoeck: Public water talk
- Fabrice Herpin: L'Observatoire Spatial Herschel: a la recherche l'eau dans
Herschel News
- Herschel's First Light Images Released
- Herschel Successfully Launched from CSG Kourou at 13:12:02 UT